Monday, May 19, 2008

Good News All Around!

Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a couple days. Making the drive to Loma Linda, keeping up with pumping and trying to get some rest in between has been harder than I thought. I have overdone it the last couple days and I am feeling it. Today I go to get my staples out so I am going to have to be extra careful. Thank goodness my sister will be here tomorrow. In case anyone hasn't heard we are going forward with the baby shower as planned for this weekend so I look forward to seeing everyone there and I have lots of pictures of Kennedy to share!

Ok so here is the news on our darling little girl- Saturday Shawn, Dan (Shawn's Dad) and I went down and had a great visit with Kennedy. She was doing so well. She had gained again bringing her to 1 pound 10.5 ounces so that always makes mommy and daddy happy :0) Dave and Jenn came down as well and got to meet her for the first time. Jenn is Miss Super photographer and took a bunch of great pictures which I got to see last night. While looking through them I stopped at this one and started crying.

It's my daughter and she is so incredibly beautiful. I look at this and can feel close to her even when I am an hours drive away. I can't thank Jenn enough for this. She has no idea how much it means to me. Don't worry grandmas and grandpas The prints are ordered and will be on their way to you shortly.

Yesterday was also an awesome visit. She was one week old. She gained another ounce and is up to 1 pound 11.5ounces. It makes me feel like she will hit the two pound mark in no time. Her blood sugar is under control, she hasn't had to have any transfusions or platelets in two days and her gases in her belly are looking good. They also put in a PICC which I am told will last longer than a standard IV and means they are taking one of the tubes out of her bellybutton. Today they are going to give her barium from above (her mouth) to get a better idea of whats going on in her intestines with the gases and why she isn't pooping much. But overall she is doing well. Hopefully by the end of the week I might get to hold her. I used to be scared to hold newborn babies. I thought babies that weighed 8 pounds were going to break and I wouldn't get near them, but now I would give anything to hold my tiny daughter, to hear her cry in the middle of the night and change even the worst of the poopy diapers.


liz.mccarthy said...

Kennedy is such a beauty, I too love the one picture of her, you can see her so clearly! Glad you joinined our preemie blog moms micro preemie group, I know you'll find a lot of support on the group!

Liz McCarthy (group founder)
and mom to micro preemie twins Kaitlyn and ^Corinne^

Kiera Rose said...

Kennedy is beautiful! She reminds me so much of Kiera and particularly of one pic we had. Kiera was delivered by emergency c-section at 1lb 8oz at 28wks when she was measuring about 4 weeks behind due to placenta problems, too. It has been a long road with her. She spent 514 days in the hospital. Be prepared to be in at least till Kennedy's due date. Hopefully, yours will be a shorter stay. Please visit her blog at I didn't start her blog till she was 6 months and we had a turn for the worse, but I have some early pics on there, as well as current ones now that she's 21 months and 27 pounds. You can e-mail me at

mom to Kiera Rose, 28wk micropreemie
member of preemie blog moms

Katie said...

Congratulations, she is so beautiful! My daughter was born at 25 weeks (15 weeks early). She is now almost 7 months old and doing great. The PICC line is definately a good idea. When Lynzie was first born she had one. She had to stop feeds one time when she was older and they just used IVs...she had to get a new IV every couple of days. I hated that. Anyway, congratulations on you little girl and good luck!