Monday, June 23, 2008


It's Monday 6.23.08 and I am home for the first time is 14 days. I had an appointment this morning at 8 so i had to make an early trip up here. I miss my house. I miss my bed. I forgot how soft it is. It's so nice to lay on your own bed after being gone for a while even if it was only for a few minutes. Part of staying at the Ronald McDonald House is having to occupy your room every night. It's not like you have a curfew or anything, but they only have so much space and they need to keep it full or else let another family have it. So my trip home is only for a few hours. I got to see my kitties which I also missed very much but all the cat hair I could do without lol. Since the blog has been so sporadic I will just update you with the latest facts instead of trying to backtrack and keep you up on what happened daily. Kennedy still has pneumonia, she is responding to the antibiotics and has had her ups and downs. She is up to 3 pounds 14 ounces and has moved up to big girl panties (regular preemie sized diapers). She seems so huge looking at her day 1 pic. She is continuing to have problems with her stomach and has been going on and off feeds. As of last night She was getting 1cc/hour continuous with a pump through a gavage tube- still no bottles till she gets extabated. The were trying to wean her ventilator settings but the pneumonia has put that on hold. It really effects her saturation levels and the amount of oxygen she needs.
As for me, I am doing good. Ronald McDonald House has long term housing and has moved me to a duplex where I have a one bedroom apartment. It's much nicer since I have my own kitchen living room and t.v. as well as a bedroom and bathroom. It's in a quiet residential area around the corner from the hospital and is only costing an extra $5/day. Although the people in the big house were friendly and the house was nice there is something about privacy that makes the situation that much more bearable. I can now say that there is now way in H-E-double hockey sticks that I could EVER be on that Big Brother show. Now that I have the apartment I feel like a I have a home to go to rather than just camping out in a hotel style bedroom. I have been spending about 6-7 hours a day at the hospital just sitting with Kennedy. Some time I read to her and sometimes I read my own book. She just finished Charlotte's Web and we are going to start Stuart Little tomorrow. I just finished The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and I am now working on Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. I been helping change diapers and learned lots of new things like how to use the device to suction her mouth out. We have had our ups and our downs but we are hangin in there and hoping for our little girl to come home on or before her due date (July 20th).

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