Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dear Carrie & family

Dear Carrie,

Even though we have never met in person, and I wouldn't know you if we bumped into each other in the street I consider you to be an angel. Tonight (Thursday) Shawn and I arrived in the NICU and were told we had mail. The 1st card I opened was from Maddy and I almost immediately started to cry. The cards from you and your family are SO SPECIAL to us!!!! I am so touched by the kindness and generosity that has been offered to my family by someone who I have never even met. I thank you so much for your thought and prayers and I can't wait to meet you when Kennedy comes home! With deepest appreciation Katie Clayton.

Shawn's Letter.

To Carrie and her whole family.

I'm just in awe of you and yours! What an awesome thing for you to do for us, and I'm not talking about the gifts (which we loved too), I'm talking about the caring words and deep thought that so obviously went into what you've done for us. I have some friends that haven't even called me once during all the events that have occurred with my daughter and to think of what you've done just leaves my jaw on the floor. When I opened those cards from your daughters and parents I just couldn't do anything other then stare blankly with my jaw hanging open. YOU ARE A WONDERFUL PERSON AND MOTHER and if my daughter turns out half as special as yours I will be a happy dad. Thank you so much for all that you've done for us in this time of need. We will never forget you & your families extreme kindness.

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