Thursday, January 29, 2009

Goodbye, Hello

It’s true we are moving! Since Kennedy got to break the big news, I will fill you in on the rest. Right after I posted the blog about looking for a house I went online and browsed our local paper’s classified ads. There was a 3 bedroom 2 bath house in the area we were hoping to live in our price range and it had an address so I could go see what we could get the price we could afford. I made the call and it was still empty and they were doing work on it so I decided to drive by the house and look t the outside. I map quested it and off Kennedy and I went. It was the first time I picked up on the spur of the moment and went somewhere with Kennedy with out any advance preparations. We were following the directions that map quest gave us and as I started getting closer I started thinking how familiar everything looked. Then I realized that I was going the same way Shawn and I drove a while back to look at the house that my friend Jenn and her husband were buying. Turns out the house I was looking for was two houses over and three houses up from their new house. If the price+ the size + the location of the house didn’t sell me then that sure did. How awesome it would be to live so close to my best friend! The house was older, but nice on the outside and since it was so close to D&J I decided to call the office back and ask if I could peek inside. They said it would be fine so Kennedy and I went in. I filled out the application to rent and then called Shawn to see if he could swing by and sing the app. before I turned it in. Shawn came by with a buddy from work. While they were there the owner of the house came by to check on the progress his crew was making and it turns out that the guy who owns the house has know Shawn’s friend from work for the past 15 years. Fate, luck, divine intervention- what ever your flavor it must have been on our side because by Monday afternoon they offered us the house on the condition we thinned our herd of cats. It was an exceptionally bitter sweet moment for me. We were getting this house that was so much more than we expected to find in a great area within a five minute drive of most of our friends and a very short walk from two of them, but we were also forced to choose between all our cats. I spent the better part of two days crying every time one of them would walk past me. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my cats. It was a horrible decision to make and in the end we did what we thought would be best for all involved. The brothers, Jackson and Julian, have never been apart and Jackson is already depressed about having Kennedy take his place as my constant companion that we just don’t think he could take it if he and his brother were separated. I even joke that we would come home to find him a tiny noose and a paper with a kitty paw print as a suicide note. Pants and Gray were ok before us and they are so adaptable they will be fine where ever they end up going so for now I am doing my best to look at it as another rescue only this time they got to be extended guests in our home. Today we are supposed to go and get the keys for the house. Last Shawn and I saw the house it was still under construction so I am super excited to see the inside all done. They were completely redoing the inside- New carpet, paint, kitchen counters all kinds of good stuff. I will post pictures soon as I get some. Kennedy had an appointment at the BPD clinic on Tuesday. She weighed 12 pounds 10 ounces and was 23 ¾ inches long. They lowered her oxygen from ¼ to 1/8 and increased her dose of Pepsid since she was still getting the same amount as when she left the NICU and has almost doubled he weight since then. She is off Reglan and Diuril completely and they ordered some blood work to see if we can wean her off the Phos-Nak. They still aren’t as happy with her weight gains as they could be but she is doing ok and we talked about starting solids. I had already started Kennedy on rice cereal a while back so Tuesday night I made her some sweet potatoes and she loved them. She has had them everyday since without a reaction so far so I think I will be trying something new soon


JennB said...

Hurray! You're going to be our neighbors, you're going to be our neighbors! I'm dancing with happiness

Daryl's Dad said...

I had to choose which one of my dogs to leave impounded after our auto accident last feb. i'm all teary thinking about Gromit right now. I feel your pain.