Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday July 27th

Today when we arrived in the NICU our primary nurse met us in the scrub room. She came to explain to us what was going on in the room next to us (which you can see into and hear from our room) and make sure that if we wanted to spend time with Kennedy we should now exactly what was happening in the next room. They were taking a baby off of life support, we both decided that we say hello and return later mainly because we knew some of the heartache but couldn't comprehend the complete grief and sorrow that would be in the NICU at that moment, I don't even want to imagine the pain that come with making the decision to take your child off of life support, watching them breathe their final breaths. My heart goes out to that family whoever they are. Everyday in the NICU you see joy and sadness, hope and disappointment. The NICU is a strange world and it has been our home for 77 days. Today made us realize just how lucky we are and how far we have come. We have skated past so many of the challenges that were possible to us. We still have our problems to over come and I am sure more will present themselves but we truly have been blessed. Each day Kennedy continues to show progress. She is up to 8CC's per hour on her feeds and is only 5 CC's away from having her TPN discontinued. Today her bloodgas was so good they took her off the NIPPV and put her on CPAP and after the switch she was doing so well they decided to take her off the Hudson prongs and try her on a Nasal Cannula again. Hopefully her blood gas will be good enough in the morning to leave her on them. Shawn and I are thankful for every small victory that brings us one step closer to coming home.

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