Sunday, May 25, 2008


Well today is Sunday which means that Kennedy is another week older and 1 week closed to being home. She has done really well this week and made lots of progress. As of today's visit she weighs 1 pound 13 ounces (7 ounces more than when she was born) and measures 13 inches long (.75 inches more than when she was born). She has taken to kangarooing very well and I have been able to hold her everyday since Friday. Daddy is still a little too nervous to hold her just yet, but hopefully she and I will be able to talk him into it soon. They are talking starting her on some breast milk on Tuesday and seeing how she does. Today we went through all the clothing gifts we have received and we are all set for everything from newborn size thru 9 months and also we have gotten quite a few nice blankets so if anyone was to get her a gift we are are all set on clothing but we could use a pack of receiving blankets or some some of the things off the registry. I will try and have it updated by wednesday with all the essential items we are still missing. Also she really like it when I sing or tell her stories so today we got her "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Corduroy"-Two of my childhood favorite books so if you want to get a her a gift a book would be much apprecatied so I can have new things to read to her. Also as some of you are away we cancelled my baby shower that was supposed to be on Saturday, but we hope to have a big Welcome home party when she is released from the hospital.

Here are some pics from the last couple days:

Uncle Mike meets Kennedy

Kennedy Loves to Kangaroo

Pretty Girl

Daddy holding Kennedy's Hand

The flowers Dan and Elizabeth sent- oh so pretty!

Kennedy's Two Weeks Old Picture


Sammie said...

Happy 2 Week Birthday!

Jo said...

Wow - Kennedy has such great color! My girls were purple for at least a month. She looks beautiful. I really hope your husband will hold her soon. It is so good for her - and for him.

I hope Kennedy continues to do well.

Jacquelyn said...

Beautiful pictures!